Having trouble logging in?
Enter your member number (for spouses of original members, add an “S” to the end of the member number, ex. W55S. For children of members, add a number to the end of your member number representing your birth order, ex. W551 (first born)). For your password, try your last name in all lowercase letters excluding all dashes. You then will be prompted to create a new password. If that doesn't work or you have forgotten your member number please contact Lake Sunapee Yacht Club at (603) 763-5961 or [email protected].
Reset Password
Before clicking on Forgot Password link, please try the directions above. Enter your member number (including “S” for spouse of original member or birth or number (1, 2, 3,…) for children of members) and follow the instructions. You will receive an email with a link to reset and create a new password. If you need additional assistance, please contact Lake Sunapee Yacht Club at (603) 763-5961 or [email protected].